
Craft the perfect accomplishment statements by picking out words which suit the requirements of your resume.   COMMUNICATION SKILLS Addressed Condensed Described Lectured Solicited Arranged Committed Equipped Marketed Signified Arbitrated Combined Endorsed Mediated Agreed Clarified Exchanged Moderated Authored Contributed Experimental Offered Associated Convinced Exposed Planned Assessed Communicated Enlisted Presided Advanced Composed Fixed Provoked Articulated Distinct Implored Recommended Attended Directed Interpreted Replied Amended Drafted Invigorated Resigned Blended Discussed Inclined Stated Cooperated Distributed Interrelated Shortened Checked Defined Interviewed Spoken Compressed Denoted Intricate Strengthened   CREATIVE SKILLS Adjusted Developed Founded Launched Revised Authored Displayed Formulated Modeled Shaped Acted Directed Imagined Modified Structured  Composed Devised Illustrated Patented Unraveled Combined Entertained Improved Performed Updated Condensed Enhanced Introduced Presented Visualized Created Established Invented Piloted Customized Forecasted Instituted Planned Designed Fashioned Initiated Published   DATA/ FINANCE SKILLS Accounted Budgeted Estimated Marketed Reconciled Adjusted Balanced Figured Measured Reduced Added Cashed Forecasted Netted Researched Analyzed Computed Formulated Planned Retrieved Audited Corrected Invested Prepared Tabulated Assessed Documented Managed Programmed Verified   RESEARCH SKILLS Analyzed Defined Explored Located Solved Assessed Determined Formulated Measured Summarized Collected Drafted Gathered Organized Surveyed Clarified Evaluated Interviewed Researched Tested Compiled Experimented Inspected Reviewed Critiqued Extracted Investigated Searched   LEADERSHIP SKILLS Analyzed Decided Hired Organized Replaced Approved Developed Implemented Originated Restored Appointed Directed Improved Overhauled Reviewed Attained Eliminated Initiated Oversaw Recruited Authorized Encouraged Inspected Planned Scheduled Chaired Enhanced Instituted Presided Staffed Considered Evaluated Led Prioritized Streamlined Controlled Governed Managed Produced Strengthened Coordinated Headed Maximized Recommended Supervised Converted Handled Merged Reorganized Trained   ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS Arranged Distributed Obtained Recorded Supplied Approved Executed Operated Registered Standardized Classified Generated Prepared Reserved Systematized Collected Incorporated Processed Reviewed Updated Compiled Logged Provided Routed Validated Corrected Monitored Purchased Scheduled Verified   PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS Analyzed Diagnosed Planned Resolved Verified Anticipated Doubled Prepared Solved Utilized Completed Examined Recommended Selected Changed Eliminated Reconciled Set up Determined Expanded Reorganized Simplified Discovered Identified Reviewed Tested   MENTORING SKILLS Advised Developed Guided Persuaded Trained Adapted Empowered Individualized Reviewed Transmitted Coached Enabled Informed Simulated Tutored Communicated Explained Instilled Stimulated Coordinated Focused Instructed Taught Counseled Facilitated Motivated Tested   TECHNICAL SKILLS Assembled Drafted Mapped Remodeled Studied Applied Engineered Operated Repaired Tested Calculated Fabricated Overhauled Replaced Upgraded Computed Installed Printed Restored Utilized Converted Inspected Programmed Solved Debugged Maintained Rectified Specialized  

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