
While Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world, the cost of pursuing an undergraduate degree is much more reasonable than studying in other countries. Based on your course, it costs an average of 17 to 20 lakhs per year to study in Hong Kong. This cost comprises of:

1: Tuition

2: Accommodation 

3: Food and Travel 

4: Other miscellaneous expenses such as school supplies and activity & club fees

The total cost of pursuing an undergraduate degree in Hong Kong would be anywhere near 70 to 80 lakhs over a period of 4 years. 


Return on Investment

Hong Kong, being one of the biggest financial hubs in the world, offers excellent work opportunities to international students. An average salary for a fresh graduate would be HKD 200,000 to HKD 240,000 per year which would be around 18-21 lakhs per year. In some cases, if you plan to work for investment banks, an average pay would be somewhere near HKD 400,000 to HKD 450,000 which is approximately 35-40 lakhs per year.

Apart from salaries, Hong Kong has a strong reputation for its diverse education facilities and offers a multitude of opportunities. 

Now, let us move on to a section which talks about how you can reduce your costs while studying in Hong Kong.


Saving and Reducing Costs in Hong Kong

The majority of universities in Hong Kong are located in the heart of the city. Naturally, the cost of food and general living expenses may be high. Universities do not offer a meal plan as the food is subsidized on campus. In some cases, students tend to cook instead of eating outside or on campus. Apart from that, Hong Kong is known for its well connected public transport network, which helps in reducing the cost of the commute. The government issues subsidized rates for students to save costs.

Moreover, students often take up part-time jobs or internships to support these costs and to be financially independent. International students studying on a Hong Kong visa are allowed to take up internships and part-time jobs on campus freely. Some internships pay a stipend of HKD 6,000 to HKD 10,000, which is approx. 60k to 1 lakh rupees. Part-time jobs pay on an hourly basis of HKD 60 an hour, and these are jobs on campus like working in the library or helping out with events.

There are also a large number of scholarship options for international students in Hong Kong available on the university’s website. Students can search for the scholarships they are eligible and apply for them to further finance their education.


Sign up at UniRely to get in touch with our university-specific mentors and take help with your scholarship forms. For more information, please visit our website to learn more about the process of applying to universities in HK for an undergraduate degree.

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