Different Application Deadlines when Applying to Universities in the US for a Master’s Degree

All universities in the US have their own application deadlines. These deadlines are different not just for each university, but also for each program. Many students are confused about when their applications are due. Hopefully, this will help you understand the different application deadlines.

First, let’s start with a little information on the different admission intakes. 


Different admission intakes

Universities in the US have 3 admission intakes – the Fall intake, the Spring intake and the Summer intake. The Fall intake is the main admissions cycle at US Universities. All universities accept applications for the fall semester. But only a few universities accept applications for the Spring and Summer semester. It’s important to check the university’s and the program’s website for information about intakes.  

Application deadlines will differ depending on what intake you’re applying for! If you’re applying for admission to the Fall semester, your application deadline would be anywhere from December to April. If you’re applying for the Spring Semester, your deadline would be anywhere between July to October. And if you’re looking at the Summer semester, your deadline to apply would be anywhere between October to January. 

Now, I’ll talk about the multiple deadlines that each intake might have.


Multiple Deadlines for every intake

Many master’s programs only have one deadline for a particular intake but some can have multiple deadlines for the same intake. For example, if you’re applying to the Fall semester, there can be a Fall Priority and a Fall Final deadline. Applicants who apply by the Priority deadline have the benefit of being considered for scholarships as well as the possibility of hearing their admissions decision sooner. Applicants who missed the priority deadline still very much have the opportunity to apply by the final deadline but may not be considered for scholarships. It’s also important to note that some programs can have an earlier deadline specifically for International applicants, just so that all application materials are received well ahead in time. Be sure to check if the programs you are applying to have an International Applicants’ deadline too! 

Lastly, I’ll talk about something known as Rolling Deadline or Rolling admissions.


Rolling Deadline or Rolling admissions.

Rolling admissions have no particular date by which you have to apply. It is rather a series of months during which you can submit your application at any time. In rolling admissions, applications are accepted and reviewed as received, until the space in the program is filled. This means that while applications are received for a larger period of time, admission is first come first served so it’s recommended to apply as early as possible!


These are the different deadlines to keep in mind when applying to Master’s programs. Information on all deadlines can be found on the university’s official website. You can also check out the application deadlines of your chosen universities and tests using the Uni Deadlines feature of UniRely. To get more information about how to apply to universities abroad for your master’s degree, please visit our website –

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