
Choosing a specific country to apply to especially when there are endless options available might be tough. Breaking down the selection process into little bits and then working your way to a suitable option would be the best thing to do. Here are the steps involved in breaking down the selection process and choosing a country:


  • What do you want to study and what’s the scope of it in the country you’ve chosen?

For specific courses or disciplines, there are renowned places with top-notch universities. If you have a particular country in mind, research about what the scope of your chosen course is and what opportunity the country holds for you in the future. Based on where you want to take your career, get to know the demand of the professionals who have done the same course like the one you’re interested in.


  • Calculate your finances

Note down all the possible expenses right from tuition and living expenses to scholarships, study grants, and everything in between. You can use the College Planner feature on the UniRely platform to do all your research in one place. Check out the possible options of applying for study loans and to what extent the university will help. This is important as you’d have to find a job and repay the loan. Every country will have guidelines on the relaxation of education loans and the time taken to repay them.


  • College intake

Consider the criteria by which the college intakes international students. Gather all the documents required and take the required entrance tests. Also, keep in mind the fee for visa and the time it takes for the visa to process. A lot of applicants fail to go before the date of joining just because of visa issues. Make sure that it won’t trouble you.


  • Language barriers

If you’re a linguist, you can happily apply to countries that require the language that you already speak. However, if you’re not, find out if the university teaches everything in English or whether only specific classes are taught in the language. Also, find out if that country requires you to speak their language if you want to work there. Studying abroad is a great opportunity to learn a foreign language. Normally, if you’re going for a business-related course, countries normally require someone who’s good at their native language along with English.


  • Semester abroad programs

Research about the tie-ups your desired university has and how likely it is that they send their students to partner universities on semester abroad programs. Semester abroad gives you a whole new experience altogether and is the cheapest option to study at a new university.


  • Travel

If you’re someone who plans on traveling often while studying, go for countries where there are a greater number of interconnected places. This will cut down your travel expenses and also give you the experience you’ve been seeking.


  • Scope in India

If you plan on coming back after studying, find out how useful that degree would be once you’re back and get an insight into the salary you could expect.


Choose the university that best suits you after you weigh all the options. UniRely has unmatched counselors and student mentors spread across various countries. Know their experience first-hand on what it’s like studying at the university you’re dreaming of.

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