How to Select the Right Degree

Choosing the right degree can be a daunting task, especially because there are many options to choose from. Masters in the UK is expensive so it’s important to identify the right type of degree for you. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this blog, we provide steps that will help you make an informed decision. So, let’s begin. 


  1. Identify the subject you want to study

The first and foremost step is identifying which subject you would like to study. This can be done by reflecting on both your interests as well as your career goals. Think hard about what it is that you want your career to shape up in, and what is the subject that interests you the most. Since a Masters’ degree is a niche program, it is important to dive deep into both your passion, interests as well as short term and long term goals. 


  1. Look at different degree options

After you have figured out which subject you would like to pursue your master’s degree in, you can now look at all the different options available. For example, if Computer Science is your preferred choice of specialization, you may look up a Master of Science (MS) degree in Computer Science. If you have work experience and prefer to do an MBA, that offers a specific specialization such as Finance you can choose that as the degree you would like to pursue. At the same time, if you do not have requisite work experience to pursue an MBA and would like to still pick Finance as your master’s degree, you can choose to do a Master of Science in Finance instead. Essentially, depending on where you stand in your career, you can pick various paths to attain your goal. 


  1. Compare degrees

Selecting a degree is a highly subjective choice and differs from candidate to candidate. However, there are certain factors you should consider according to your risk-taking appetite while choosing a degree for yourself. These are as follows: 

  • Curriculum and Courses
  • Costs
  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Length of degree
  • Future Prospects i.e. employability

Let me explain the comparisons in an example. Let’s assume that you are interested in Marketing. You have two options, either pursuing a Masters of Science in Marketing Analytics or an MBA with a concentration in Marketing. 


First, you must take into account the duration of the two degrees. While an MS in Marketing Analytics may usually be a one-year degree, the duration of an MBA can be up to 2 years. An MBA is also comparatively more expensive compared to an MS. On the other hand, while an MBA gives you wide exposure and makes you eligible for all kinds of jobs in Marketing, an M.S in Marketing Analytics allows you to highly-specialize in the subject and the jobs available may therefore be more specialized in nature. 


There is no one right answer because the requirements of each student vary. If you have the requisite work experience and wish to now go for a generalized approach to Marketing, you may pick an MBA degree. On the other hand, if you do not have the requisite work experience or are a hundred per cent sure that you want to pursue a career in Marketing, then you must go for an MS in that field. 


While an MBA gives you more flexibility in terms of choosing which specialization to eventually opt for, an MS is a committed decision to pursue the area of study that you are inclined towards. One must also factor in their short term and long term goals, as well as the employability prospects of your particular degree. You can easily get an employment report from the university of your choice for a particular degree, and it is generally a good idea to have a look at it before you hone in on your final degree of choice. 


At UniRely, our experienced counselors will help identify your course of preference by listing down your interests and strengths, arriving at the best possible decision. To get more information about how to apply to universities abroad for your master’s degree, please visit our website –

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