
While academics are an important part of your application, universities look for an applicant who has well-rounded experiences. This allows you to showcase your time management skills by handling academics and activities at the same time. Extracurricular activities show colleges aspects of your personality that your grades cannot show. Skills such as leadership, teamwork and critical thinking can be expressed through these activities.

In the online applications required for universities in Hong Kong, there are separate sections where you need to input various activities or work you have done. This can include work experience, hobbies and volunteering activities.


Conveying the message

One of the ways you can convey your activities and work experiences is through your personal statement. Another way of mentioning them is through the activities section on your HK university application

In the Extracurricular and Work Experience Section, you will be asked to input the activity, the time frame and a brief explanation.

For Example, if you volunteered as a Business Development Intern at an NGO, universities would want to know:

  • When and for how long did you work for? Mention the time frame such as January 2020 – March 2020
  • What were your job and your responsibilities? Make sure to explain what you did there, this would include something like identifying prospective donors and attaining their contact information to grow the business, achieving a 10% increase in donor base.

Make sure you remember to include the time frame and quantifiable evidence to support what you contributed.

If you are mentioning your hobbies, for example, playing the drums, keep in mind the same sequence: Time frame and your achievements.

While applying to Hong Kong, having a strong application does not only mean good grades but also having a well-rounded outlook.


Get in touch with expert counselors at UniRely to get your activities and work experience section ready. For more information, please visit our website to learn more about the process of applying to universities in HK for an undergraduate degree.

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