Importance of Letters of Recommendation When Applying to Universities in the UK for an Undergraduate Degree
Letters of Recommendation (LOR) or Reference letters are letters written by teachers, and school counselors and submitted directly to the universities. These letters help the universities assess the student’s characteristics, qualities, capabilities, skills and work ethic.
For an undergraduate application to the UK, you will require 1 academic LOR and 1 non-academic LOR.
The Academic LORs
The academic LORs should be written by a teacher who knows you very well. They should be able to highlight your academic accomplishments in a personalized manner. We recommend you to get this letter written by teachers who teach a subject relevant to the course you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for Business we would recommend a letter either from your Math or your Economics teacher. Also, make sure to sit with your teacher and go over all your academic achievements and papers you have written in the last couple of years.
The Non-Academic LORs
The non-academic letter also holds great value because it gives the admissions officers an idea of your achievements outside the classroom. This letter can be written by either your instructors, tutors, college counsellors or any other individual who is well versed with your activities and achievements. Pick someone who has been associated with you for a long time so they can portray you in the best light. Make sure you sit with your chosen instructor and remind them of all activities you have participated in, and awards you have received over the past few years. Your teachers or instructors can also add a few anecdotes which would show you as a strong and capable candidate as it would help the admissions officers to get a better idea of who you are and what you can accomplish.
Overall, a powerful recommendation letter helps round out your application and can go a long way toward endorsing you to admissions officers. Check out a few examples of strong letters of recommendation at
For more information about the application process to universities in the UK for an undergraduate degree, get in touch with our counselors today.