
Today, not only the workers and employees have been affected by COVID-19, students across the world also have been severely affected. The entire curriculum, plans, scope of admissions in desired colleges and universities, various processes involved, everything has become erratic. But as we know that nothing stops and life goes on, this phase will end soon. Till then, here are a few tips for the students who wish to apply to universities abroad:


  • This time should be utilized in exploring various universities and colleges, depending on your interests and requirements. Research all the universities you are interested in thoroughly and take your time in creating the right list of universities. 
  • Students applying abroad should compare the universities on various parameters like the facilities they provide, the financial aspects, and medical facilities. Apart from this, students should also keep in mind the current situation and should prefer locating to universities in countries that have zero or very less COVID-19 cases and have adapted themselves to this pandemic. 
  • Before applying to the universities, students should consider proper and genuine reviews from the alumni and should study the stats shared by the university on their official websites. The student must consult the well-experienced admission counselors for getting the right details about the universities, instead of believing in rumors. This would also help students stay updated with the latest information regarding the application deadlines, and mode of document verification and other such procedures. 
  • Students must use this time to do vocational courses as per their interests, which would also help them in the future to grasp a good job. Students should take this time to work with a network of students who are also applying abroad or studying abroad to become aware of all possible opportunities. 
  • Due to the pandemic, in-person teaching may not be possible so students should familiarize themselves with various digital platforms utilized by the universities for online classes. 


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