Tuition Fees for Top 10 Universities in Canada

Computer science is one of the most famous and reputed courses globally. It is also the most preferable choice for someone looking for their undergraduate studies. With the advancements in technology now and then, the computer world is evolving every other day. In the context of Canada, the universities are using various techniques in their basic courses too.

The central hub of computer science and technology, Canada has some of the best universities to look for an undergraduate course. Here are details of the top 10 universities in the country for students who are looking for higher graduation in Computer science:


Ranking in Canada QS World Ranking University Location Annual Tuition fees

 in INR (per year)

1 10 University of Toronto Toronto 33.05 lakhs
2 25 University of British Columbia Vancouver 22.46 lakhs
3 24 University of Waterloo Waterloo 22.03 lakhs
4 51-100 University de Montreal Montreal 9.02 lakhs
5 51-100 McGill University Montreal 28.55 lakhs
6 51-100 University of Alberta Edmonton 19.28 lakhs
7 101-150 Simon Fraser University Burnaby 16.80 lakhs
8 151-200 McMaster University Hamilton 20.93 lakhs
9 200-250 University of Ottawa Ottawa 16.88 lakhs
10 200-250 Carleton University Ottawa 27.54 lakhs

(All conversions are done taking 1 CAD= INR 55)


All the universities above are public and are funded by the government. Also, every undergraduate admission requires a TOEFL/IELTS of 6.5 as per eligibility. Though this is the overview of some of the universities with the average tuition fees of their respective undergraduate courses, there are some more universities you can look up to that are ranked top in the world:

Ranking in Canada University Location Annual Tuition fees

 in INR (per year)

11 Queen’s University  Kingston 25.2 lakhs
12 University of Calgary  Calgary 8.4 lakhs
14 Concordia University Montreal 14.2 lakhs
15 University of Victoria  Victoria 14.7 lakhs
16 York University Toronto 16.5 lakhs
17 Dalhousie University Halifax 12.3 lakhs

UniRely will help you to find the best university for your dream study abroad. For more details, visit and connect with our team here. Know more about the process to apply for university application and exams with our mentors in your dream university.

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