
Applying to your dream university in the US can be overwhelming, so it is important to get started on a few aspects of the process early on. Getting started on your activities is something that you can do as soon as you enter high school. Extracurricular activities make you a better candidate by giving you a more holistic application. Having a good set of activities also helps you write more interesting essays as you gain more experience while working on them.


Importance of Activities

Universities in the US look for students who not only participate in the classroom but also create an impact outside of it. They prefer well-rounded students who are involved in many aspects of life from academics to sports, to community service. 


Some activities which can add value to an application include:

  1. Volunteer work & community service
  2. Academic and professional organizations/clubs
  3. Leaderships at School
  4. Sports 
  5. Jobs & Internships 
  6. Entrepreneurship Projects


It is recommended to participate in a few quality activities rather than a lot of minor activities. For example, it is better to be a part of the school soccer team for four years rather than just play 3 different sports for one year each and excel in none. Whichever activities you choose to pursue, make sure you include the details of the knowledge and skills you’ve gained to make a difference. Make sure to take part in activities outside the box. Every applicant has many activities they are a part of but to have a successful application, you need to be unique and stand out. 


Make sure you get your Activities List started as soon as you can and maintain a document to keep track of them all. You should mention the following in your document:

  • Name of Activity
  • Description of the activity
  • Your role (in case of projects, internships or leadership activities)
  • Starting Year 
  • Duration
  • Awards, certificates or accolades received

Your list should be detailed so that you can look back at it when filling out your college applications. 


Get in touch with expert counselors at UniRely to get your activities section ready. They will give you advice on how to enhance your application by suggesting activities relevant to your intended field of study.

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