
Applying to your dream university in the US can be overwhelming, so it is important to understand the different components of the application process. We know how important the admission essays or SOPs are to your applications. However, a Letter of Recommendation is an equally important document. All the top universities in the US require you to submit a letter of recommendation. 


Importance of Letters of Recommendations 

Recommendations are a very important part of the application process as they allow universities to see the applicants through someone else’s eyes. Recommendations can be divided into three sections:

  1. Academic Counselor recommendations
  2. Teacher recommendations
  3. External recommendations, which may include recommendations from the applicant’s employers, coaches, instructors and even parents


Each university has its own criteria for recommendations. Some universities only ask for an academic counselor recommendation while others may ask for all three types. We feel that it’s best to have one counselor recommendation, 3 teacher recommendations and 2 external recommendations at your disposal.


Also, it is important to get recommendations written by people who know the applicant very well. Universities value recommendations that can give them personal insight into the achievements and traits of the student. 


So while you spend time writing your essays or SOPs, be careful of the LORs as they can make a big difference. If you wish to know more about these documents or their formats, get in touch with your counselor at UniRely.

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