
Introduction University of California, Santa Barbara is a public institution that was founded in 1909. Situated on cliffs with a view of the Pacific Ocean, the University of California, Santa Barbara is 100 miles up the coast from Los Angeles. UC

Introduction Founded in 1908, the University of California, Davis is a Tier-One research university located in Northern California. Originally, it was opened as a Farm School for UC Berkeley. UC Davis was recognized as the fifth-best public university in the nation

Introduction The University of California, Berkeley was founded in 1868 as the first campus of the University of California system. It is the No.1 Public University worldwide. UC Berkeley campus consists of fourteen colleges that offer 350 Major programs to

University of California, Merced is the newest UC campus formed in 2005. It was founded “to address chronically low levels of educational attainment of the region.” It ranks amongst the top 100 national universities. It is the only university in the

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